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First Tab: (Units)

After opening the "DIO-TOOLS-David1327" settings page, this is done with the settings button Bouton dio parametres on the right sidebar of the game's main page, we can see the existence of 9 different tabs, each providing several modules which can be enabled or disabled. according to your need. The "Units" tab is composed of (6) modules, and we will talk about them here.

Units overview / Ocean number

Once this module is activated, you can open a box by clicking in the center of the units and clicking on the icon Bouton dio units overview. Once the window is open, you can choose which units you want visible at all times, and at the top of the box, 4 choices are highlighted! (Total) (Available) (Support). Select one of the four possibilities offered and a unit always highlighted. The selection of city groups is possible. Activate the "Sea number" module to find out the city's ocean number, visible at the top left.

Sent units

Once this module is activated, it informs you of the total number of units that have left your cities, whether in attack or in support.

Unit strength

Activate this module if you want to calculate the Total Strength of the city's troops in attack or defense, in several areas (unit menu, simulator, barracks, ...). Click on the defense icon, it informs the total strength of the city's defense units. Click on the attack icon, informs the total strength of the units in the city of attack. Attack and defense values can be changed in the unit menu. (click on Unit strength).

Transport capacity

This activated module informs you of the totality of your city units available for transport and the transport capacity of your ships, if you have no ships then the value "0". Interpretation: “City population / Transport capacity (ships)”. The button on the right is used to add units being recruited. Shows in green if the capacity is sufficient and red insufficient. Disable/enable large carriers by clicking on them.

Unit Comparison

This enabled module allows to check and compare all unit data such as attack strength, support strength, unit speed, unit withdrawal, unit cost in stone favors. silver and wood and the recruitment time of the units in (s).

Features of DIO-TOOLS-David1327